Conquering the Midnight Split : your guide to tackling split nights


If you’re waking up at 2am to a baby who is keen to get the party started and to carry it on through for an entire wake cycle, you may find that you’ve stumbled into the world of split nights. Welcome! It sucks here! Most parents have experienced those mornings following a split night spent dazedly searching for answers (who broke my baby? How did this happen? Why me?) while cradling very large coffees, but we’re here to tell you that there is hope. Understanding the science behind split nights can help you navigate this soul destroying tricky sleep phase.

why do split nights happen

1. When the circadian rhythm (internal clock) and homeostatic sleep drive (sleep pressure) are out of sync, it can lead to split nights. This means that your baby’s body may be confused about when it should be sleeping or awake.

2. Too much daytime sleep or an early bedtime can lead to insufficient sleep pressure at night, causing those wide-awake periods.

3. Is your baby learning to roll, crawl, or walk? These exciting new skills can lead to nighttime "practice sessions."

4. If your little one relies on you to fall asleep (parent-led sleep associations), they might need your help every time they wake up at night.

5. Illness, teething, or even your baby’s sleep environment can also contribute to split nights.


our tips

Balance daytime sleep to build the right amount of sleep pressure for bedtime. Remember, babies aged 2-12 months typically need 12-17 hours of sleep per 24-hour period, which gradually decreases as they grow older.

Review your daily schedule. Aim for
a consistent bedtime that aligns with your baby's natural rhythm – not too early, not too late. Even after a rough night, try to start the day at a regular time to reinforce your baby's circadian rhythm.

Gradually introduce opportunities for self-soothing at a pace that feels right for your family. This doesn't mean leaving your baby to cry it out. Continue responding to your baby's cues with warmth and presence, supporting their natural ability to sleep independently while maintaining a strong attachment. Remember, you can book an appointment with us at any time if you need some guidance. 

Give plenty of opportunities to practice new skills during the day to reduce nighttime "rehearsals."

Clean Up the sleep environment. Environmental cues can significantly impact your little one's sleep quality and duration. Need help? Book an appointment with us and we can assess your baby’s sleep environment for you.


While split nights can feel impossible to manage, with consistency and time, they will become a distant memory. In the meantime, be kind to yourself, get another coffee (might as well grab 1-15 TimTams too while you’re at it), and remember that you can always talk to us if you need support to get you through.